I have created a new YouTube channel called DevWidgets: Building Serverless Apps on AWS Cloud. In this channel, I am creating several series that create fully featured serverless microservices on AWS that support front-end applications. These videos are mostly of the 100-200 level, with a handful of 300-400 level.
I am also creating short definition videos. They will help you go deeper in understand different engineering concepts and roles as you watch the series videos.
My hope, is that through these videos you:
- develop the art of constant learning
- tinker with existing products and make them your own
- try making new things
- level up in your career
How I became a serverless Software Engineer
The above is no different to how I became a software engineer. As a tinkerer, I started by creating my own webpage, in the 90s. On that site, I would “post” messages on there for my friends. However, I was afraid to make a career out of programming. Instead, I studied Digital Multimedia and focused on fine arts and graphic design.
After a few years in the professional world, my curiosity took over, and I started tinkering once again. Fast forward 15 years, I now have a masters in Computer Science. I am a principal software engineer. My work is focused on creating and designing serverless applications on AWS Cloud.
I love being a software engineer. For instance, I love to be able to step back and see a product I have created and the direct impact it has on those who use the product. In this field, I have learned so much and yet I know that the possibilities are endless of what I can still learn; of what we can learn together!
So now what?
You have read this much, so now what? I would love for you to join me on this journey. Check out my channel, subscribe and please share if you feel this could help those closest to you.